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Made by resilience and determination

B. Denham Jolly, BSc(Agr)’60

Human rights activist, philanthropist and author

B. Denham Jolly, BSc(Agr)’60; Human rights activist, philanthropist and author

I arrived from Jamaica to attend the University of Guelph with the intention of obtaining a degree in agriculture. This led to further studies at Dalhousie University and finally McGill, graduating with a degree in science in 1960.

McGill being regarded as the “Harvard of the North” opened doors for me and helped me command respect both in the academic and business worlds. Not being a privileged student, I learned resilience and determination – and making sacrifices to succeed at McGill was great preparation for forging a path in life after university.

As a prestigious university, McGill plays an important role in fueling research, building bridges to society, and especially extending opportunities to the less privileged. This last point has become even more important in recent years because student costs have exploded. In fact, this is one reason why I have always made an effort to contribute generously to McGill and Macdonald.

I recently received the Order of Canada, which has been very humbling. It is a profound honour to be recognized by such a great country. In 2019, the City of Toronto also recognized me by naming a city street (Jolly Way) in my honour, for my activism and philanthropic contributions. Even though one does not expect rewards for one’s empathetic actions, it is satisfying to know that good deeds are not always unnoticed in society.

Whether it was paying off the mortgage for the Jamaican Canadian Association’s centre, starting a breakfast program for 60 students at my old high school, sponsoring a youth soccer club in Regent Park Toronto for underprivileged boys, or giving scholarships to various institutions, I have always done my best to give back to the community.

I founded the Black Business and Professional Association (BBPA) 38 years ago, as well as the BBPA’s Harry Jerome Awards, Canada’s most prestigious Black awards. In 2020, the BBPA granted over 100 scholarships to institutions of higher learning and has awarded millions of dollars in scholarships over the years. I am very proud to have contributed to filling a real gap in the Black community.

My book In the Black, which was written in 2017, prophesized the situation that Black Lives Matter is so vigorously, appropriately and comprehensively addressing today. One invaluable thing that Black Lives Matter is doing today is forcing dialogue and hopefully creating greater understanding, because it is only with empathy that there can be any meeting of the minds.

My advice for a young student today would be to maintain a sense of purpose and patience. There is a strong tendency today, with the present generation, to expect instant results. One has to have the strong attitude of the marathon runner and sometimes, even after “hitting the wall”, have faith in the second wind or even the third.