Made by McGill campaign progress
$1.59B raised of our $2B goal as of March 2022

Giving in fiscal year 2021
$180M in donations
25K donors
The McGill Fund: Strength in numbers
$12.7M raised from 23K donors in FY21
$2.1M came from donations of $250 or less

Emergency support
5,000+ donors have given $1.6M through the Student Emergency Support Fund
These contributions have helped over 1,500 students in need
McGill24: Annual day of giving 2022
5,901 donations were made
$3.95M was raised, a record total

Powerful legacies
78 legacy donors in FY21
$11.3M in bequests and legacy gifts
Alumni engagement
70+ alumni branches and constituent groups worldwide
300+ webcasts, webinars and virtual salons took place in FY21, including over 100 events hosted in collaboration with McGill Alumni Association volunteers