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Privacy Policy

McGill is committed to keeping your personal information secure and to being transparent about how we collect and user you data so you can have confidence when learning about our campaigns and supporting us. 

The purpose of this policy is to help you understand what personal information McGill collects, how we use it and what your rights are. We take care to ensure that we use your information in accordance with all applicable laws concerning the protection of personal information. 

This policy applies to: 

McGill University
University Advancement
1430 Peel Street Montreal, Qc,
H3A 3T3

Please read the following policy to understand how you personal information will be treated. It may change from time to time, so please check back periodically.

Table of contents

1. Privacy Notice

Please note that this website, like many others, uses Google Analytics and Hotjar to track user behaviour on and affiliated sites. 

1.1 About Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google. Google collects, organizes, and provides visualizations of anonymized data gathered during a user’s browsing session. Data may include navigation patterns (including links clicked and pages visited), region of origin (based on IP), traffic source (ex. referrals), language preference, browser type, and screen size. 

Google may use this data to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network.

Personal data collected: Cookie and usage data

Place of processing: USA

For more information, please see Google's privacy policy.

1.2 About Hotjar

Hotjar is an analysis and feedback tool used to provide an additional level of information about user behaviour. Hotjar records user movements like mouse swipes, hovers, clicks, and engagement with interactive page elements. It also provides contextual surveys and feedback boxes. Hotjar masks form entries that may contain sensitive data like passwords, so these won’t appear in recordings of user behaviour. Hotjar uses a unique ID to track site users across sessions without retaining complete IP addresses.

Hotjar won’t share user data with any other service, but McGill and its employees may share anonymized recordings with external consultants as part of our ongoing effort to improve site usability.

Personal data collected: Cookie and usage data

Place of processing: European Union

For more information, please see Hotjar’s privacy policy. You may also opt out of Hotjar data collection. (Note that Hotjar does not track or record visitors who have cookies disabled.)

2.0 Accessibility

2.1 Access at McGill is a priority

Much of McGill’s campus is accessible to those who use a wheelchair. If you require information on accessible entrances, washrooms, cafeterias, classrooms and other University facilities, please contact the OSD.

If it becomes apparent that your class or seminar is scheduled in an inaccessible location, please inform  the OSD as early as possible so that we can request to have the class moved to an accessible space.

The University allocates budget each year that is earmarked for projects which aim to make McGill facilities more accessible. This budget and process are overseen by the Universal Capital Access Working Group, on which OSD holds a seat.  If you have ideas for project, and are interested in knowing more about the submission process, get in touch with the Director of the OSD.