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Made by staying connected

Ann Vroom, BA’67 

Cabinet Member, Made by McGill: the Campaign for Our Third Century
Past Chair of the Friends of the Library
Past President of the McGill Alumni Association

Ann Vroom, BA’67, Chair of Friends of the Library, past President of the McGill Alumni Association

My story as a volunteer at McGill is a long one full of twists and turns, enrichment and rewards. I graduated in the ’60s, delighted to be free of study, and off to work at Canada's International World’s Fair, Expo 67.

Within several years I discovered that I very much missed my ties and engagement with my alma mater. I reconnected with the local Montreal alumni chapter. For a period, I worked as editor of the McGill News magazine. Eventually I became President of the McGill Alumni Association, served on the Board of Governors and various Faculty Advisory Boards, and volunteered during two capital campaigns.

As Chair of the Friends of the McGill Library, I had the honour to support the innovative Fiat Lux library reimagining project from the beginning. I am proud to be living proof that volunteers can find myriad ways to stay involved with McGill. The satisfaction is enormous!