Faculty of Engineering
Prosperity by design. Made by problem-solvers and a global perspective.
Your support is essential in helping the Faculty of Engineering prepare future-ready design professionals and tackle global challenges.
Whether we recognize it or not, all of us look to engineers, architects and urban planners to solve problems in the technological and built worlds. The design capacities of these professions have continuously evolved to meet our populations’ ever-changing needs, from providing the basics of heat and shelter, to shaping urban environments.
However, the challenges we face today are more complex than ever. The world is facing dramatic economic, environmental and social transformations. These are urgent issues – but also great opportunities. And it is design professionals – with McGill at the forefront – who will pioneer the quest for solutions and ensure prosperity for generations to come.
Discover our vision for the future
Improving the day-to-day lives of human beings
Disruptive technologies like AI and the Internet of Things are changing how we interact with the world. Help us ensure our research and training is focused not only on getting the most out of our technologies, but also on confirming that they truly contribute to advancing the well-being of our communities.
Your support can:
- Establish a Chair in Applied AI who would help us gain a better understanding of the role and implementation of AI technology in real-world situations
- Create a Chair in Technology & Humanity who will strengthen our links to the arts and humanities, ensuring the human condition is enhanced through the use of modern technologies
- Create new Professorships to meet the growing demand for integration of AI and IoT into sectors that will rely on these technologies to remain globally competitive
- Enrich the student experience through an expanded Visiting Professors program
- Provide students with Internships to give them experiences that complement their education and build socially awareness that will inform their careers

Creating a more sustainable and prosperous world
Sustainability must be built into our programs from the ground up to both meet student educational needs and to establish a healthy, prosperous world for future generations. Thanks to initiatives like the Trottier Institute for Sustainability in Engineering and Design (TISED), our researchers lead discussions in global sustainability projects. Help the Faculty become a beacon of excellence for sustainable innovation.
Your support can help us:
- Develop an interdisciplinary Climate Change Initiative focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing communities to adapt to changes and to remain resilient
- Establish a Chair in Water Security to explore effective and economical solutions for providing clean water and sanitation to people worldwide
- Create a Chair in Responsible Design to put sustainability considerations front and centre in the design process
- Create a Visiting Scholars in Sustainability program to boost TISED’s international profile
- Provide Sustainability Seed Grants to enable researchers from multiple disciplines to explore ideas and build the lasting collaborate relationships essential to grappling with complex sustainability challenges
Expanding the boundaries of what design professionals can do
At the Faculty of Engineering, our students and professors constantly face exciting new challenges. But, design challenges are becoming increasingly complex. Help us face this complexity head-on by working across disciplines to broaden research and education in existing domains, while expanding into areas such as bioengineering, advanced materials, additive manufacturing and nanotechnology.
Your support can help us:
- Create a Chair in Integrated Architectural Design to explore how we interact with buildings and how these structures interact with their surroundings and influence human behaviour, and use these insight to better inform our designs
- Establish a Chair in Urban Innovation to help us examine how physical and social urban structures can lead some cities to become more innovative than others
- Host Design Workshops and Symposia that bring recent developments from other fields into our classrooms and research initiatives
- Boost nanoscale research by establishing a Chair in Nanotechnology for the McGill Institute for Advanced Materials (MIAM)
- Equip MIAM researchers with leading-edge facilities to create more sustainable materials and manufacturing techniques
- Develop additive manufacturing technologies to design and built innovative devices for fields like aerospace and health care
- Enhance the Department of Bioengineering by establishing a permanent home for the department, creating new Bioengineering Professorships, providing undergraduate scholarships and fellowships, and offering experiential learning opportunities through internships

Preparing students to be future-ready
Today’s students need an education that goes beyond developing traditional technical skills. They need training outside of the classroom environment that equips them to adapt to a changing world and prepares them for real-world tasks. Help us prepare future-ready students by providing experiential learning opportunities, and continuously innovating in engineering and design education, while maintaining a commitment to accessibility, diversity and inclusion.
Your support can:
- Support self-directed, experiential learning through the Empower program by appointing a Director of Empower to oversee the program, creating a Global Challenges Initiative to provide paid summer internships, supporting a Student Initiative Fund, and funding Design Teams and Guest Speakers
- Stimulate technologically-based innovation and entrepreneurship across the University through The Faculty of Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship Hub (EngInE) by supporting: the Innovation Fund which provides financial support for early-stage business ideas, Social Impact Seed Grants, the Entrepreneurship-in-Residence program, Innovation Fellowships, as well as by outfitting our Engine Centre with personnel and technology
- Support ELATE (Enhancing Learning and Teaching in Engineering) by establishing a Chair in Teaching and Learning Innovations, creating Teaching Initiative Funds, providing Education Research Funding, and funding Training and workshops
- Support underrepresented groups who have a critical role to play in design professions through eIDEA (Inclusivity, Diversity and Equity Advancement) by funding youth outreach and engagement, a Chair for Women in Engineering & Design, scholarships to support promising female students, and guest speakers
- Increase access to engineering education for Canada’s Indigenous people through scholarships, academic success programs, internships, recruitment of Professors-of-practice, and the development of specialized programs
- Help student organizations foster a culture of inclusion, empathy, trust and collaboration by supporting groups like Promoting Opportunities for Women in Engineering (POWE), Queer Engineer, and the National Society for Black Engineers
Explore by story
Ready to blaze a trail in STEM. Made by the motivation to excel.
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